Happy New Year To You, this is going to be my first post on this year 2013.
With each New Year comes the chance for new beginnings, a fresh slate that you can ' start again.' Obviously this is only true to a certain degree, but it is the idea itself that makes January the perfect time to start afresh with new ideas, dreams and ambitions which until now may have gone stale or perhaps even untouched.
So - rather than join the resolution bandwagon - why not consider what you can do to make 2013 the happiest and most enjoyable year that you possibly can?
In this post I'm going to share 13 tips on how to jumpstart your MLM Network Marketing Opportunity for this Happy 2013..
1. What Negative Things Happened In 2012 Stays In 2012.
- Have you been left by some of your Leaders?
- Have your prospects been hijacked by others?
- You were about to set your momentum, and then your company closes?
- Have you been rejected many times?
And many more heart attack provoking scenarios that happened in your career. Leave all the painful feelings that is sabotaging you and on this year start embracing the things that you have learned from those experience. And anticipate all of the blessings that is waiting for you in the New Year.
2. Invest On Your Self A Little More
But be very wary though, being educated is not merely gathering of facts or information, Improve yourself more the ability to " THINK " by having those facts as your tools, train to think of more strategies, more solutions for every concerns. This is the best exercise that you can give to your mind..
3. Be Generous
The more training and more assistance that you provide to your group, the more you will prosper both spirtual and financial. The more successful your group gets, the more you feel good. And the more you feel good, more good things will be drawn to you..
4. Know What You Want
Let go of past negativity, and enter the New Year with a more positive, upbeat attitude. Your world will always follow where the mind leads.
5. Discover Your Self
What do mean discover yourself Robert? Are we going to get philosophical here? hehe..
Well, in our industry it is a must to follow the steps of those successful Network Marketers in our field. We call that modelling, not modelling that is running through in your mind that you are about to do some catwalk on ramp.
Modelling is copying what successful people project, think and do.
Well I thought we are talking about self discovery here, then why do we have to imitate then? That's the good news, because in due time once those patterns of successful people is already ingrained on your subconscious, you may now have the sole freedom to express your creativity with which those positive patterns will guide you to manifest your ideas.
6. Eat An Elephant
It's a metaphor on how to achieve big dreams.. If you want to become a millionaire within a year on your current company with out any idea on how you are going to do it, now that's huge, it's not possible to happen.
So lay out some game plan, if you want to be a millionaire within a year, how many that you should sponsor within a month, and if you already provided details for that, now lay out some plan on how many people that you should talk within a week... and then make a plan on how many people are going to talk within a day.. and what time of the day you are going to prospect..
7. Do Not Become A Total Networker
Do not become a total networker at once!
Work out one step at a time, but what I can suggest is start first with what you are good at : prospecting, presenting, or closing.
So do your job as a marketer to continuously talk to a lot of people to discover where you are really good at, and then for the mean time spend an amount of time developing of the niche that you have found.
This is very important, you know why? because the first time you are about to master a certain, it is very hard, because you are not yet familiar with the steps and strategies that you are about to use to become skillfull.
But once you already mastered a certain skill, it's not that hard anymore to master other skills, because you are already familiar with the basic tools for mastery.
8. Keep Connecting
The game on our industry is to be always visible. So always connect with a lot of people, spend time with them, have a chit chat, have bondings, adventures, and the like.
Make yourself likeable, learn to listen and help. Based on my experience, most people join Leaders or people they like than the opportunity itself.
The battle in Network Marketing is the one who can build TRUST fast. The more friends you've created the greater probability that they will listen or join on what you have to offer, because they TRUST you.
9. Be Healthy
What's the use of earning a million a month if you were been diagnosed that you have a cancer because of the stress that you put on your body while building your network.
Yup, it's true that you must act fast to build your network, however, You must balance your sensitivity towards your body. Too much activity is no good, and also no activity is also no good. So, learn to balance.
10. Be Bold
Be daring, experiment, explore, if you haven't tried a certain marketing method, try it. being limited a certain prospect, then try big fish prospects. Haven't tried calling your prospects, try calling. Being adventurous and creative is a great investment for this year, so go for it..
11, Make Room For The Good
How can you enjoy all of the things to see in the New Year, unless you make room for them first? De-clutter your life; rid yourself of the hurt, worry, negativiy, mess, people, material things that you picked up over the last year that bring you no happiness or peace.
Make room for the wonderful and exciting things that you know are coming to you in 2013.
12. Make Gratitude A Habit
Be confident that all that you want is already on their way to you, because this confidence in your worthiness is an invitation for your dreams to manifest.
13. Be Excited
Finally, and the most importantl of all, Be excited of all the possibilities that are about to happen and expect nothing but the very best from 2013, for this will shoot your positive energy beyond the border of your imagination.
What you expect is what you will get. So be excited for you are about to get the best.Know that there are better things still yet to come.
So there you have it, 13 Tips on how to jumpstart your career in your MLM Network Marketing Business.
Hope that I have offered a great value to you by sharing these informations, and wishing you all the best on your Network Marketing Journey.
To your Success,
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