If you want to speed up your success in mlm, then start qualifying your prospects. Not everyone is a good fit for network marketing. The faster you find that out the better off you will be. It is NOT your job to convince people into network marketing, it IS your job to see if people are open to taking a look at your opportunity. It’s all about getting eyeballs to your company presentation
In this post i'm going to share with you some tips on How To Qualify Your Prospects In Your MLM Network Marketing Business..
Not everybody is a qualified prospect so we must sort the people in our prospect inventory list. Identify the potential customer and potential business partner. Keep in mind that qualifying a wrong prospect will waste time, energy and money.
What is it that we really should be doing when qualifying a prospect?
- Identify whether or not the prospects actually qualifies - on his or her own - for anything you have to offer.
- They either qualify or they don’t - regardless of what you want or say.
- Qualifying is a simple and logical identification process!
How to qualify people for your time
This takes a little practice, but is critical if you want to have huge success in mlm. The best way to qualify people for your time is to ask them qualifying questions. Some examples of qualifying questions are as follows:
- Are you open to looking at a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you are currently doing?
- How much money have you set aside to start your own home business?
- Why are you looking to create an in come from the comfort of your home?
- what is it that you like best about what you heard or what you saw (depending on the type of system you are using)?
4 keys areas you must qualify your prospect in are...
- Do they have a genuine interest or are they just window shopping
- What is the depth of their desire? How important it is this issue to them at the present time?
- What is their available time? How much time can they devote to learn and apply what is necessary for them to get what it is they want from the business?
- What kind of monthly budget do they have to invest into their business untill it pays for itself? What do they have to work with within their means without any significant financial risk?
Convincing prospects will slow you down
I am not sure who said it, but this quote has always stuck with me, “A man convinced against his will has the same opinion still” If you do convince a prospect to join your business, you have started a journey of convincing that will suck the life out of you. It will strain you physically and emotionally, and… the person will end up quitting anyway.
Prospects should join your business because they see an opportunity for them to change the quality of their lives. When prospects join your business for the right reason, they will be much more teachable and more willing to get out of their comfort zone so they can start to have their own success in mlm.
Keep in mind that time is gold and you must use your energy properly.
Being effective is more important than being efficient. One of the biggest mistake that I ever made is this industry is that I did not pre-select qualified prospect.
Now I learned that in any business one of the key factor to succeed is to get the right people for your business.
And now you know it too..
To Your Success,
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