Tuesday, October 16, 2012

3 Unbreakable Practices On How To Build Trust With Your Prospects In Network Marketing

Learn How To Be Heard, Complied And Even Relied Upon By Your Prospects

In this post, I'm about to share with you some tips on how to build trust to your prospects in Network Marketing.

Most of the amateur Network Marketers with the intention to sponsor someone tends to fall in throwing false promises to their prospects.

It is arguably that Sales is mere transfering of your enthusiasm from your product or your opportunity to your prospects.

However too much hyping may backfire and will flush away all of your efforts to close your prospects.

Building Trust Can Be Summed Up To This 

T - Be Transparent
R  Be Responsive
U - Use Caring
S - Be Sincere
T - Be Trustworthy

Always have in mind that trust is not based on what you think but based on what they think .
You must learn how to stand in their shoes. Understand them.

Things To Consider On Building Trust

  • Make them feel that you got their best interest in mind, your actions should be planned. How? Ask questions, know them, find out what they need.
  • They will trust you if you made them feel that you can provide solution to their need.
  • Formulate your probings on how your products can help your prospects.
  • Be mindful of your prospects time and respect it. Always ask permission if you are in a right moment to connect with them.
Success in Network Marketing doens't come overnight.

Ingredients That You Really Have To Embrace On Building Trust
  • Time
  • Commitment
  • Motivation
  • Most important of them all, is having the right mindset.

The biggest challenge for most of us Network Marketers is that it really do takes a long time on building trust, and only a minute amount of time to destroy it.

We should always think on the prospects perspective and you may range the amount of trust that you have invested based on their actions.

 HINT: Always ask open ended questions. Find out stuff.
 Like :
- what do you think that hinders you the most in prospecting?
- what made you engage in Network Marketing?
- etc.

And be always wary of the answers of your prospects, have a mental note. Then do your homework by finding solutions to their concerns, so that when you finally attend to them you already have a constructive approach on how are you going to assist them.

Always Have This In Mind
Never ever over deliver.. Just always be honest.

Here's The 3 Unbreakable Practices That You Must Always Have At Your Disposal To Build Trust

1. Know Their Needs
2. Deliver What You Have Promised
3. Be Committed

Final thought from me on How To Build Trust.

Ask Yourself Honestly, Do You Trust Yourself? 

From here, you can produce quality actions on how you are going to connect with your prospects.

"Friendship - from my definition - is built on two things. Respect and Trust. Both Elements have to be there, and it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble" - Anonymous

To Your Success,

P.S. If you want to get UPDATED for the my current post about MLM Tips and Insights, You may simply click the LIKE button of my Facebook Fan Page



  1. Continued Self Improvement is the crucial ingredient in acquiring skills.

    1. There's no failure, but a plateau. Thinking that you are slowing down, but no, you are just contented to the skills that you do have.

      Thank you so much for the comment Christopher :)
