MLM is like a Call Center, because if in BPO they do have job hoppers, MLM is also the same, Networkers keeps hopping from one company into another.
There’s no right or wrong thing about this, because each has their own reasons, and we respect that.
But let us be honest, what is the reason behind all of these never ending seeking?
Hope you would agree with me on this, because we are seeking for the right company, some joined pioneering MLM for all we know about the advantage of this, some get lucky and some don’t.
It’s normal for us to decide those kinds of things, as they say it’s a no brainer thing. How would you ignore the offer of a newborn company placing you as 01, going to give you a lot of incentives and budget for your group, you see?
There’s this feeling within you shouting, Yes, I want it, I want, let me in, let me in :-) but of course not all feel that way.. They have their own calculations based on experience.
What I really do find at the bottom of these is, we mostly depend on the company towards our success, there’s a saying from a well known leader in America, “ Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
Fair enough if your reason is the company's reputation, that’s true, but in order for you to be more successful is to think of the ways on how you can contribute on your company, How can you make it great?
Well then, make your self Great..
Invest in your self, Invest in your Mind, attend a lot of trainings, associate with the leaders in your company, share ideas with your business partners, always get updated with your uplines, research, be a voracious reader, and be creative.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are going to give me 9 hours to cut a tree, I'll spend 8 hours sharpening my axe."
Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are going to give me 9 hours to cut a tree, I'll spend 8 hours sharpening my axe."
And at the same time, take massive Action, apply immediately what you have learned, because these what separates from a regular networker, they procrastinate, they doubt and worry, their scared. Thinking, what if it doens't work out?
It’s alright if what you have applied didn’t worked out at the first time, did you still remember you first bicycle ride?
You’ve fallen many times right?
It’s just the same thing here, you may fail at first because you are not yet familiar with the lessons that you’ve learned.
And this is what I like most, even if you fail, you are not aware that you already acquired a certain skill, because our subconscious mind is always adapting :-)
Familiar with calluses right? If a certain part of your skin is always being exposed to a certain pressure, a callus is formed, our cells have their own consciousness to adapt, our body have their consciousness to adapt, our mind have the ability to adapt :-)
You may hate your self or envy others of their success, but if you will just relax and continue the process, study and take action, study and take action, you are already creating a momentum.
Until in due time, you are not aware that what you are studying are already high valuable materials that newbies find it overwhelming :-)
And if you keep doing the process, and results are starting to show, you are going to get pumped up to do more :-)
Now you are already making yourself better, your’re already producing results, you’re already being acknowledged by your company, you’re now already receiving incentives, and then that’s it, you are already in harmony with your company, there’s already a better you and a better company :-)
It's not always the grass is greener on the other side :-)
To your Success,
P.S. If you find my blog helpful to your respective MLM campaign, hope you may register on 'follow me', so that you will get updated for my upcoming post about tips and insights about MLM, and if you also find it beneficial, you may also 'like' my blog. Please allow me to offer my appreciation to you my friend, for having the time to read my blog, have fun in networking! :-)
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