Sunday, September 30, 2012

How To Build Rapport Instanly To Produce Fast Results In Your MLM

As with the saying Rome wasn't built in a day, and so with building relationship.

It takes time, however what if you already need to produce income right now? 

What then?

In this post I am going to share with you on how to build rapport with your prospects fast.

If you could build professional relationship with your prospect fast, would that be of great value to your Network Marketing?

Having a positive impression remains undisputed regarding relationship building, all it takes is just only a quick glance by your prospects if you are a valuable business partner.

People can evaluate you with these manner :
  • The way you look - are you well groomed? properly dressed?
  • Voice - do you speak in a confident manner?
  • Write - Are you observing proper writing etiquette?
  • Move - do you project boldly?

Friday, September 28, 2012

What Is Consultative Selling And How It Can Supercharge Your Multi-Level Marketing Opportunity

Missing the sales process is a surefire kill of your result in Networking

In this post I'm going to share with you on how to incorporate Consultative Selling Techniques to your MLM opportunity.

One of the bread and butter in MLM is the art of selling.. 

However majority of the Networkers are missing this part.. 

Common practices :

  • Pitching the opportunity at first aquaintance with prospects
  • Bugging/Bumping strangers
  • Spamming
  • Tagging Opportunities without consent
  • Thoughtless sending of links

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Essential Qualities Of An Unstoppable Upline

Common Misconception About Being Your Own Boss In The MLM Industry

In this post I'm going to share with you how to be an effective and respectful Upline.

Being an upline is also being a leader. And to those who are new or doens't have any experience yet on how to become a leader, you may simply start by assisting your downlines towards training and providing any updates about your company and your team.

You may also start educating your self with all the necessary tools and start sharing it with your downlines.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Value Of Sharing

Great men shared great value, be forewarned though, they didn't wait for themselves to be great first before sharing value.

Rockefeller, who was been known as one of the wealthiest man in their time, even at a young age, already have a habit of sharing.

Tony Robbins, when he was still young and poor experienced a goodwill from an unknown man, given them food for the thanksgiving.

That heartfelt moment really rooted his soul.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How To Get The Most Valuable Lesson

        Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book that in school we are being punished for the mistakes that we made, but in real life, we learn from our mistakes.

        He also quoted to fail as fast as you could and as much as you could, because in that way, you are tapping your subconscious mind of a better way to do a certain thing.

        We can't help it to be analytical for we do have brains which is programmed to rationalize.

        Sometimes we spent most of our time devouring a lot of informations thinking that it's much better to know something than nothing.

        However, sometimes our knowledge blocks us of who we truly are.

        There are times that ideas are popping up in your mind, but what we do is we rationalize with it until it doesn't come into fruition.

        I was aghast when I've discovered what Top Perfomers have in common.

        Is that they do have this tenacity to embrace a certain opportunity.

        What I mean is, they think along the way, as long as they take action.

        There's a saying that nothing actually moves until there is action.

        A Unique and Specified way will be revealed to us if we just offer some time to ponder on the mistakes that we've made.

        Making us more effective the next time around.

        It's fine tuning yourself as you go along the way.

        The important thing is you already made something happen.

        And what's more important is, you've learned a valuable lesson (",)

To your Success,

If you liked this article, I would highly appreciate it more if you also "LIKE" my FB fanpage too ^^ Thanks and Godbless ^__^

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Pitch Your Opportunity Like A Professional Network Marketer

The Vast Majority of Networkers pitch their Business the wrong way.

In this post I am going to share with you some ways that can significantly increase the effectiveness of  pitching your opportunity. 

I’d also love to hear what you have to say on this topic.

Proper positioning of yourself as a Professional, may give you an increase rate of being acknowledged of what you have to offer.

Know what actions that you should do to position yourself as a Professional Networker.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Why Ronnie Rickettes Also Joined MLM

In the World of Business, there's a sad truth of Big Fish eats the Small Fish.

 The one that has the Most Credibility, Influence, and Power usually wins.

The Intent that is usually flowing here is to produce income. So it's like sorry for those that can't keep up.

Then there are some that really doesn't care anymore about business ethics.

Monday, September 3, 2012

2 Basic Steps On How To Speed Up Your Networks Growth

        I remembered a scene in KUNG FU hustle when the axe gang is trying to test the ability of the TOAD master, one of the gang pointed a gun at his temple and shot him, however the Master caught the bullet using his pointy and middle finger. 

        After that scene all of the members of the axe gang bowed to him, He declared " In the world of KUNG FU, he who is the fastest is already declared as the winner."

        That part really do captivated me for it really do applies in any areas of our life.

        How does it apply in MLM then?

        The faster your network grows, the faster your income grows (",)

        How then (",)

        For just doing these 2 simple steps that was already proven by the great masters in the MLM industry : Study and ACT.

       It's our very nature to want security, ofcourse we always want to take care of ourselves, however we should sometimes weigh when to get out of that mindset inorder for us to grow.

      What I wanted to convey is, if you have learned something, even just though just a little, offer some action.

      Because with this, you are already setting up your momentum.

      For as you go along the way, you will be surprised of some informations that will be revealed to you inorder to help you progess more in your business.

To your Success,

If you want to get UPDATED to my current post, you may simply click the LIKE button on my Facebook Fan Page

Mirror, Mirror Hanging On The Wall

         A while ago, I saw a post on my friends wall, sharing that she is having a hard time thinking of what gimmick that she can add up to her bbq business.

        Then she has this friend that suggested a lot of creative ideas, some of them are really funny, not sarcastic though, It's really catchy because of the humor.

        I know my friend very well and she is not that much of a wacky person, so I told her  that she should base her ideas based on her personality, and she'll go from there. 

        Then she answered that's what she is already doing, but she finds her ideas weird, so she's having a hard time.

         I told her that it doesn't matter wether it's weird or not as long as you already have an idea, go for it. 

         In the MLM industry, there are times that we are that too much concerned on how to market our business. 

         Then with too much concern, a lot of contradicting ideas may enter our mind, then we stagnate.

         We offer no action, so therefore no result :(

         Let's face it that not everyone will like our business or sometimes not everyone will like us. 

         But here's the thing, isn't it that easy to work with if you find someone that has a personality just like yours, it's like your mind is just one.

         Oooh, I've witnessed this one from my previous company, my crossline had a downline, both of them almost have the same thinking pattern, a very creative mind let's say. 

         In just only a month of masterminding, they have boosted the quantity of their network. 

        Take note, that downline rested for 6mos for he worked as a call center agent,  but when he finally offered his full time with the company, they are just like these two energizer bunnies that never loses power to produce creative ideas and taking actions from it.

         Now imagine if you have 6 business partners like that in your team (",)

         Yup, it's true that you can work on different types of characters of people, however, if your aim is for faster growth of your network, work with someone thas the same productive personality as you do have.

To your Success,

If you find this Article offer some value for you, I'm so happy to hear that. And if that is the case, may you "like" my  FB fanpage, as my humble request.. I would highly appreciate it, thank you so much, and Godbless...

My Warm Market is all out, now what?

        Master the basics, implement the basics is the core marketing technique in networking. 

        The only way that you are going to profit is by selling products and sponsoring people.

        So present your business to many people as you can.

        Tap your warm market.

        But let's face it, they will be a certain point of time that your warm market will be saturated, then what?

        Enter the Internet Marketing.

        In simple terms, use the internet to market your business. 

        Because there will be really a point of time that you'll run out of people to talk to offline.

        Leveraging the internet widens your sphere of prospecting, just imagine how many millions of people are using the internet.

        However internet marketing is what we can say as an additional tool on how we market our business. 

        It's main purpose is simply converting the cold market into your warm market, and then you can now do the basic process of marketing.

        Again, the only way that you are going to profit is by selling products and sponsoring people.

To your Success,


Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to apply the UNUSUAL follow up

       It’s a necessity to follow up your prospects because you will just waste all of your hard earned effort of sharing your mlm to them if you didn’t.

       However, sometimes there’s this thought that is boggling our minds that we might annoy them so if they really like the business, they are really going to join.

       At one point in time while masterminding with my team, follow-up was brought up, one shared that sometimes there are prospects that are still shy or that are interested but by chance been preoccupied by a certain activity so they forgot your offer.

       As they say that you should follow up after 24-48 hrs, atleast 7 times within a month, after that once a month are all true, because the purpose of follow up is reigniting that excitement of your prospects upon presenting your business and guide them into action.

       Well it’s also true that there are some that are really not interested and will really get annoyed when you remind them.

        We are not all trained to use our sixth sense to know every prospect, so we should really update them every now and then.

        Only Veteran Networkers can do that because of their years of experience, they already enhanced this skill of sensing people.

        Let us just make it as an affirmation regarding follow up : 

"All prospects are still shy making a decision and interested but just got preoccupied."

        And as time goes by, you’re also going to develop that kind of keen sense of awareness what Veteran Networkers acquired, and do what they do which is :

       " They just continue building friendly relationship with their prospects, without indulging their business with them anymore. "

        They are so skillful with this, and in due time, prospects didn’t notice anymore that they are already starting to like that Networker, until finally they are the one’s that will join their campaign.

Now that’s the what you call a Veteran Follow-up (“,)

 To your Success

P.S. If You Find This Information Helpful, May You "Like" My Facebook Fanpage, And If Not, It's Alright.. Godbless ^___^