Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How To Get The Most Valuable Lesson

        Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book that in school we are being punished for the mistakes that we made, but in real life, we learn from our mistakes.

        He also quoted to fail as fast as you could and as much as you could, because in that way, you are tapping your subconscious mind of a better way to do a certain thing.

        We can't help it to be analytical for we do have brains which is programmed to rationalize.

        Sometimes we spent most of our time devouring a lot of informations thinking that it's much better to know something than nothing.

        However, sometimes our knowledge blocks us of who we truly are.

        There are times that ideas are popping up in your mind, but what we do is we rationalize with it until it doesn't come into fruition.

        I was aghast when I've discovered what Top Perfomers have in common.

        Is that they do have this tenacity to embrace a certain opportunity.

        What I mean is, they think along the way, as long as they take action.

        There's a saying that nothing actually moves until there is action.

        A Unique and Specified way will be revealed to us if we just offer some time to ponder on the mistakes that we've made.

        Making us more effective the next time around.

        It's fine tuning yourself as you go along the way.

        The important thing is you already made something happen.

        And what's more important is, you've learned a valuable lesson (",)

To your Success,

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  1. When it comes of investment and learning about money, Robert Kiyosaki always comes in my mind.

    1. It's just a proof that he really do Mastered the Art of Selling.. ^__^

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  3. Yes he is clearly the guy to listen to when it comes to these things.


    1. You are right Joachim..

      I like Roberts' K. style of writing..

      for he can really do position himself to where ever you are then walk you through to his lessons..

      That's why he became a best selling author and NOT a best writing author (",)

      Thanks for the comment Joachim (",)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
