It’s a necessity to follow up your prospects because you will just waste all of your hard earned effort of sharing your mlm to them if you didn’t.
However, sometimes there’s this thought that is boggling our minds that we might annoy them so if they really like the business, they are really going to join.
At one point in time while masterminding with my team, follow-up was brought up, one shared that sometimes there are prospects that are still shy or that are interested but by chance been preoccupied by a certain activity so they forgot your offer.
As they say that you should follow up after 24-48 hrs, atleast 7 times within a month, after that once a month are all true, because the purpose of follow up is reigniting that excitement of your prospects upon presenting your business and guide them into action.
Well it’s also true that there are some that are really not interested and will really get annoyed when you remind them.
We are not all trained to use our sixth sense to know every prospect, so we should really update them every now and then.
Only Veteran Networkers can do that because of their years of experience, they already enhanced this skill of sensing people.
Let us just make it as an affirmation regarding follow up :
"All prospects are still shy making a decision and interested but just got preoccupied."
And as time goes by, you’re also going to develop that kind of keen sense of awareness what Veteran Networkers acquired, and do what they do which is :
" They just continue building friendly relationship with their prospects, without indulging their business with them anymore. "
They are so skillful with this, and in due time, prospects didn’t notice anymore that they are already starting to like that Networker, until finally they are the one’s that will join their campaign.
Now that’s the what you call a Veteran Follow-up (“,)
To your Success
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